Vivian Li
VanCAF 2023
This year, I set up shop and sold my comics + art for the first time! EVER! I was so excited when I got accepted into VanCAF 2023, and was extremely ambitious with the things I wanted to sell. At the start of the year, I basically had zero stock -- no zines, no prints, no goods....nothing. So the last few months were very busy! and ESPECIALLY THE LAST TWO WEEKS
  • I gotta paint more! Prints were well received, and people like color + lights :)
  • It's really really fun watching people read your comics live and react. It's super nice if they have a PHYSICAL reaction.
  • Essential tools: Water bottle, tape, Posca pens, Extra paper, Sticky Notes, Clips + clamps
  • You gotta rely on your friends :) :) :) Everybody helped print, assemble, run the stand, cut, paste...I don't like asking for help and IMPOSING on other people, but people wanna help. Another good reminder is to take breaks to hang out with people even when you're busy because you HAVE TO RECHARGE!
I had a vERY STRONG vision -- I wanted my table to be fruit stand themed. I wanted to go down to Pike Place, take reference photos, and build a very cute stand with signs like "$2.99 / lb -- APPLES" and buckets full of fake fruits.
Of course, when it was down to a week away and I didn't have ANYTHING done, it was time to start making some concessions. I asked Ian to build the stand for me based off a photo I drew, and we went to Lowe's to pick up lumber. I wanted to also carve the words "Fruit Stand" out of the top, but based on some good advice I decided to paint it instead (and then based on being lazy, I just made letters with Sharpie + pencil and taped it)
Up until this year, I didn't really have anything to sell. I never REALLY tried to sell any comics. So trying to figure out how much I could get done in five months was hard! I initially came up with a HUUUUUGE list of all the things I could possibly sell (/wanted to make), and then I started cutting down + prioritizing. I ended up with more things than would fit on the table!
When applying for VanCAF, they ask if you plan on debuting anything new at VanCAF. I committed to three things (and actually got two of them done!). The biggest was "ABC Cooking" -- the cookbook my mom and I have been working on filled with Chinese recipes. I'm very glad I pushed to finish this because it was a SMASHING SUCCESS! The only item that I sold out of during the festival.
I was really happy with all the variety of people who picked up a cookbook -- lil kids, people who were learning Chinese, people who are second generation like me, and of course people who just like Chinese food! I really hope they try out the recipes (and let me know how it goes)!!
I also compiled some works that I drew before into zines -- like LOFI and the Mini Zine Collection.
UNRELATED to VanCAF, I made a bunch of mini comics about Flower Patrol (and then afterwards figured out a cute way to package it and sold it as a 3 zine + bookmark bundle). It was surprising to me how many people liked Flower Patrol! I think the small size + the pretty printing look very attractive :) :) :) and one person said that Flower Patrol and Frog King should have a story together and I totally agree.
And of course, pulled out the classics -- My Summer Coloring Book and Vivian is Sick and Being Sick Sucks.
Most of my prints I had done with CatPrint INCLUDING my business cards, which were so cute. But I also found a stack of prints from my "One Painting Every Day" series, and thought I could just throw it out to see if people were interested. And they were!
I manufactured these little baby Apple Buddy enamel pins at the end of last year, and made three designs for backing cards. I wanted the apple to feel like a character from a comic jumped out in real life!
  1. I enjoyed Sunday's vibes much more than Saturday's, because it was more laid back, chatty. I got to meet more people who were tabling, and I managed to ESCAPE THE STAND and EAT LUNCH when people filled in for me :) :) :)
  2. I think handing out business cards in the front with a "Free" sign is a bad idea -- lots of people will just come by and take one and not chat :( THOUGH the exception to that rule is on Sunday, a dad swung by and said his daughter was showing everybody my business card, and she really liked my work, so he was picking up a surprise Beach Day print for her 🥺
    1. What I DID like about business cards was handing them out to kids so they could play I Spy with all the fruits on the table. I want to come up with a REWARD for them if they complete it! A cool Fruit Gang sticker or something :)
  3. It's good to calculate to cost of manufacturing for everything so you KNOW that you aren't losing money selling at whatever price and can make informed decisions when changing prices
  4. By the last week, my motto was "You gotta break a few eggs to hatch some chickens"...which might not be the right saying BUT THE ENERGY IS THERE. Usually I'm too concerned with getting things done perfectly, but when you have no time, you gotta go crazy and be Chaos Vivian.
Overall, so very happy. If you came by the stand and chatted or picked something up, I'm glad we met! Let's meet again someday :)